Vedkløyver Posch SpaltAxt 10

The short-log splitter with longer splitting knife

The powerful and durable log splitter convinces with the increased splitting power and the splitting knife longer by 30%. That ensures the effortless occasional splitting of larger log diameters up to 40 cm. The Spaltaxt 10 is available in many drive variants and convinces with the unique timber retaining tip which easily and safely fixes even narrow logs or logs cut at an angle before every splitting process.

  • Max. billet length 55 cm
  • Cylinder stroke 54 cm
  • Splitting knife length 26 cm
  • Tank volume 7 l hydraulic oil
  • Transport with two solid-rubber wheels Ø 30 cm and support wheel Ø 20 cm
  • Adjustable splitting stroke
  • Two adjustable log supports
  • Integrated timber retaining tip, fixes even narrow logs and logs cut at an angle
  • Automatic log fixing mechanism on the 2-hand switching device

Skogteknikk AS


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